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The WSBC seeks to be a community resource in the heart of downtown Winston-Salem helping to establish an educated, safe, and confident cycling public, while raising awareness about the social, environmental, economic, and health benefits of cycling among all citizens.

In fulfillment of this vision, it facilitates the space and resources for cyclists to maintain their bicycles, learn about bicycle safety and maintenance, organize outreach and awareness events, and advocate for sustainable transportation in Winston-Salem.

The WSBC is a community resource. We supply a collective set of tools for your bicycle maintenance needs, free of charge. We offer workshops on bicycle maintenance and safety. We advocate for increased cycling and pedestrian infrastructure. We participate in community rides and we organize events. 

The WSBC is a place to volunteer, meet hardworking and community-minded individuals, learn about bicycle maintenance, discover a new hobby, create bike art, or pass some time. The WSBC isn't a bike shop; it's a hub for bicycle education, awareness, and advocacy. Think resource, not retail.

Vision & Mission

​Charitable and educational, entirely volunteer run, offering free and donation-supported events and initiatives, such as:​

  • Bicycle Maintenance Education

  • Educational Programming and Workshops

  • Bicycle Events and Meetings


Think resource, not retail.

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